
Scientific Committe

The scientific committee of the European Wilma Simões Institute is composed of six members from different parts of the world have in common, the interest and dedication to the Functional Orthopedics. All being members of CEPECRAF-Centre for Study and Research on Facial Growth and Functional Orthopedics.

They are responsible for analyzing the feasibility of research projects, approving its implementation and monitoring their development.

PhD Wilma Simões

Morphology Master, Federal University of São Paulo.
PhD in Pediatric Dentistry: Functional Orthopedics, Cruzeiro do Sul University.
PhD Honoris Causa by the University Camilo Castelo Branco – São Paulo.
PhD Merit by the Paulista Association of Dental Surgeons.
Specialist in pain and TMJ Dysfunction – CRO.
Specialist in Functional Orthopedics – CRO.
Coordinator Teacher of the Specialization in Functional Jaw Orthopedics of the Cruzeiro do Sul University.
Founder Coordinator CEPECRAF-OFM Multidisciplinary – Center for Education and Research of Cranio-Facial Growth.
Institute of Dentistry – Post Graduate Program – Stricto Sensu in Dentistry – Cruzeiro do Sul University – São Paulo.
Publications: 5 editions of books on Functional Orthopedics seen through the Rehabilitation Neuro-Occlusal – Issues in Portuguese, Spanish and Italian. More than 120 articles and chapters.

Carina 02

Dr. Carina Pereira Leite Esperancinha

Functional orthopedic Jaws.
Coordinator Functional Orthopedics course of Jaws of Lisbon School of Functional Jaw Orthopedics – Lisbon. Specialist Certificate in Functional Orthopedics by Southern Cross University – São Paulo – Brazil. Researcher of CEPECRAF – Teaching and Research Center for Craniofacial Growth and Functional Orthopedics Multidisciplinary – Southern Cross University – São Paulo – Brazil.
Postgraduate degree in Rehabilitation Neuro-occlusal – Barcelona.