


The trainers staff is prepared to transmit all the scientific basis and clinical experience of functional orthopedic techniques in the malocclusions treatment.

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Dr. Carina Pereira Leite Esperancinha

Functional orthopedic Jaws.
Coordinator Functional Orthopedics course of Jaws of Lisbon School of Functional Jaw Orthopedics – Lisbon. Specialist. Certificate in Functional Orthopedics by Southern Cross University – São Paulo – Brazil. Researcher of CEPECRAF – Teaching and Research Center for Craniofacial Growth and Functional Orthopedics Multidisciplinary – Southern Cross University – São Paulo – Brazil.
Postgraduate degree in Rehabilitation Neuro-occlusal – Barcelona.

Dr. Cristina Póvoas

Dentist graduated by the Instituto Superior Ciências da Saúde – Sul (University)
Specialist Certificate in Functional Jaw Orthopedics by Cruzeiro do Sul University – São Paulo – Brazil
Researcher at CEPECRAF – FJO -Teaching and Research Center of Craniofacial Growth and Multidisciplinary Functional Jaw Orthopedics – Cruzeiro do Sul University – São Paulo – Brazil
International member of IFUNA – International Functional Association
Active member of the Brazilian Academy of Cranio-oro- cervical Pathophysiology – FJO (ABFCOC-FJO)
Member of the Portuguese Society of Dento-facial Orthopedics (SPODF)

Dr. Inês Mendes

Graduated in Speech Therapy by the Egas Moniz Escola Superior de Saúde (University)
Postgraduate Degree in Orofacial Motricity – EPAP
Trainer and Coordinator of the Speech Therapy and Functional Jaw Orthopedics Course of the Lisbon School of Functional Orthopedics – Lisbon
Guest trainer of one of the modules of the Functional Jaw Orthopedics Course of the Lisbon School of Functional Orthopedics – Lisbon
She develops her work in Private Practice, in the CUF Santarém, in the SSCML – Social Services of the Lisbon Municipal Council and in the Lisbon Clinic of Functional Orthopedics – WSEI Lisbon

Specialized guest trainers


PhD Wilma Simões

PhD in Pediatric Dentistry: Functional Orthopedics by Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul – São Paulo.
PhD Honoris Causa by Universidade Camilo Castelo Branco – São Paulo.
Master in Morphology by Universidade Federal de São Paulo.
PhD Merit by the Associação Paulista de Cirurgiões-dentistas.
Specialist in pain and TMJ Dysfunction – CRO.
Specialist in Functional Jaw Orthopedics – CRO.
Coordinator Teacher of the Specialization course in Functional Jaw Orthopedics of Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul- São Paulo.
Founder and Coordinator of CEPECRAF-OFM Multidisciplinary – Teaching and Research Center for Cranio-Facial Growth and Functional Jaw Orthopedics Multidisciplinary – Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul – São Paulo – Brazil.
Publications: 5 editions of books on Functional Jaw Orthopedics through Neuro-Occlusal Rehabilitation – Issues in Portuguese, Spanish and Italian. More than 120 articles and chapters.